University of Strathclyde Principal Takes Seat on Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh’s Court of Regents

The Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh has appointed the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde to its Court of Regents.

Professor Sir Jim McDonald was formally appointed at a ceremony in the Scottish capital by the President of the RCSE, Professor Rowan Parks.

Founded in 1505, the RCSE is one of the oldest surgical corporations in the world and the largest royal surgical college in the UK by total membership, with a network of over 32,000 professionals in over 140 countries across the world.

It promotes medical and surgical education, research and professional standards at every stage of the career path from medical student to consultant.

The Court of Regents provides informed but informal advice to the College on key areas of strategic importance, critical challenges and arising opportunities. In addition, the Court of Regents serves to extend the College’s external influence and visibility within local, national and international networks.

Prestigious body

Sir Jim said: “It is an honour and a privilege to be appointed to the Court of Regents of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, a prestigious body which has contributed to the advancement of medicine for more than 500 years.

“I look forward to contributing to the RCSE’s mission to support education, assessment, and the advancement of surgeons and surgery across the globe to ensure the delivery of optimal care for patients.”

Professor Parks said: “I am delighted to welcome Professor Sir Jim McDonald as a regent of the College. His experience, knowledge and network of academics and leaders will be invaluable to the College as we develop our partnerships and our strategy for the next decade”.

Regents are appointed for a period of five years and are unremunerated. It is a voluntary body, and since its inception, its membership has included senior, influential, and experienced individuals from a wide range of professional backgrounds who bring expertise in their respective areas.

In September last year, Sir Jim was made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.