University of Sydney Welcomes Vietnam Ambassador

Ambassador Tam was met by members of the of the University of Sydney’s executive, including Kirsten Andrews, Vice-President (External Engagement), at the Michael Spence Building.

“It was a great honour to welcome Ambassador Tam and First Secretary Pham Duy Thuc to our Camperdown/Darlington Campus, and to show them our world-leading Sydney Nanoscience Hub while discussing our growing connections to Vietnam and Southeast Asia,” said Ms Andrews.

“It has been a great pleasure to see the University’s connections to Vietnam flourish in recent years, through our shared commitment to world-leading research across diverse disciplines, to deliver meaningful change for communities, industry and governments.”

During the visit, Ambassador Tam expressed his keen interest in the student experience and how changes to immigration policy could influence international education opportunities for Vietnamese students at Australian universities.

Vietnam and the University of Sydney have strengthened their ties this year through the launch of the Sydney Vietnam Institute, which is designed to facilitate and strengthen intellectual and creative exchange between Australian and Vietnamese researchers, academics and the broader community.

The Institute will work with University academics and partners in Vietnam to deliver impactful, multidisciplinary research which improves the wellbeing of individuals and communities in Vietnam and beyond.

The University has also in recent months signed partnership agreements with the Ho Chi Minh City government to explore opportunities for cooperation in medicine and health, and with the University’s newest multidisciplinary initiative, the Net Zero Institute.

The Vietnamese delegation was met by University of Sydney representatives including Professor Greg Fox, Interim Director of the Sydney Southeast Asia CentreProfessor Ken Tye Yong, Associate Dean (External Engagement) in the Faculty of Engineering; Professor Sridevan Parameswaran, Head of School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Following their welcome and roundtable discussion on Sydney-Vietnam collaborations at the Michael Spence Building, the delegation toured the Sydney Nanoscience Hub, where they heard about the latest research into semiconductor technologies and materials.

Professor Greg Fox said: “The University and the Southeast Asia Centre are proud to collaborate with Vietnam on a wide range of research and educational partnerships. This visit exemplifies our strengthening relationship and the incredible opportunities to tackle shared challenges together”