University of the Western Cape Reaffirms Graduate Employability Initiative via Employment Stimulus

The University of the Western Cape (UWC) has recommitted to an effort to promote graduate employability through the Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme to empower future leaders.

On 1 July, UWC onboarded a third cohort of more than 70 graduates into the internship programme. They were placed in faculties and departments across the University to gain valuable work experience.

During their induction programme, interns from previous cohorts who are now employed at UWC shared their experiences of their learnerships and entering the world of work.

Zikisa Ngqele was part of the 2023 group and is now a Market Researcher at the Department for Institutional Advancement. She encouraged the interns to make the most of their time in their positions and to enhance their skills as far as possible.

“Take this opportunity seriously as it is a pathway or entrance to a professional career. Show up to work every day, be enthusiastic to learn, and remain teachable and coachable. Register with the Western Cape CoLab and enhance your digital skills,” she said.

UWC Director: Human Resources Service Excellence, Elvida Sias, offered words of wisdom to the interns.

“When we start any chapter in our career or personal life, we see this big iceberg, and we think it’s too cold, too high, and we might slip, but that is all part of growth. Underneath that iceberg, there is possibly an opportunity we don’t see. There might be seeds we need to grow, so start your future by climbing the ladder,” she said.

While many other higher education Institutions ended their involvement with the governmental Initiative, UWC was able to continue the programme with the support of the Department of Higher Education. Launched during the COVID-19 pandemic, the programme became an empowerment tool for young graduates.

UWC’s Executive Director: Human Resources, Meko Magida, also inspired the interns to ensure they make their mark in their roles.

“People who participated in this programme have even started their own businesses and are using the skills they learned here to apply in their success elsewhere. This programme exposes you to so much. Please use every opportunity. Also, remember that your success paves the way for others to make a success of this. You are the third intake, and we hope you make way for the next cohort of future leaders.”