University of the Witwatersrand Trains Postgraduates in Academic Entrepreneurship

Hosted by Wits University’s Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct, the week-long workshop is one of the outcomes of the robust partnership through years of collaboration between the Universities of the Witwatersrand and Edinburgh.

Most attending students were drawn from Mastercard Foundation Scholars (some on campus in Edinburgh, Scotland, and online distance learners, based across the African continent). Ten Wits students also joined the immersive eight-day programme.

Bonolo Motau, a Master of Commerce student at Wits, said ‘The workshop has been amazing, jam-packed with many activities on enterprise, teaching us how to become academic entrepreneurs and take our academia further’.

The programme focussed on teaching entrepreneurial skills and provided a contextual understanding of these skills within the broader social and historical landscape. The students visited various entrepreneurship sites around Johannesburg to reflect and be inspired as they plan their entrepreneurial journeys.

“The best thing about this collaboration between Edinburg and Wits is expanding the network of Mastercard Foundation Scholars, we brought together many students from across Africa and their networks will be bigger after this trip,” said Richard Palmer, Enterprise Officer at Edinburgh Innovations.

The Entrepreneurship Week aimed to empower students to embrace leadership roles, instil a spirit of entrepreneurship, and nurture their abilities to articulate vision and build resilience.