University of Tübingen: New Masters in Public Health


The University of Tübingen will be offering the international master’s program “Population-Based Medicine (PBM)” from the 2023 summer semester. The four-semester course trains future experts on health issues in society. The course is offered entirely in English and is therefore aimed equally at German and international students. A mandatory internship in the third semester can be completed in Germany or abroad.

The students in the Master’s program will deal with factors that can affect the health of the population in an interdisciplinary manner – from individual behavior to environmental influences, social and cultural aspects to political and economic contexts. You will learn how to deal with large medical data sets, statistical and epidemiological methods. Every student is accompanied and advised by a personal mentor during their studies.

Graduates should be able to develop prevention strategies and tailor-made intervention measures and to advise politicians. Future fields of work are different areas of the health sector such as health authorities, hospitals or consulting agencies, but also research, politics or commercial companies.