University of Warwick Advances Innovation Campus Growth Plan

Plans to grow the University of Warwick Innovation Campus Stratford-upon-Avon at Wellesbourne have taken an important step forward. Stratford-on-Avon District Council has approved a plan to guide the long-term growth of the Campus.

A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which has been designed and led by the Council, has been approved by Cabinet members. It sets out a framework to guide the development of the Campus and will underpin its growth.

University of Warwick Innovation Campus Stratford-upon-AvonThe Campus will be distinct from the University’s main campus as it will primarily focus on research and not be student-focused. Instead, it will drive innovation and collaboration between industry and academia. It will attract new and exciting employers to Stratford-upon-Avon and Warwickshire which in turn will create thousands of highly skilled jobs in a range of sectors.

The Innovation Campus is already home to applied research groups from the University’s School of Life Sciences and WMG, as well as several cutting-edge and high-growth businesses. These include the Lotus Advanced Technology Centre, Corteva Agriscience, Rimac Technology R&D and Lyra Electronics. The SPD, and any future proposals, will build on these existing strengths.

Warwick will now work with the District Council, other partners, and the community to develop detailed proposals for the Innovation Campus. In due course, this will include submitting an outline planning application.

Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor at the University of Warwick, said:

“Stratford-on-Avon District Council has seen the exciting opportunity for growth at our Innovation Campus and to shape it over the long-term. We’ve enjoyed a positive and productive partnership with the local authority and look forward to delivering together.

“The Innovation Campus has attracted cutting-edge and high-growth companies to the area already. It is creating jobs, innovating, and driving investment, but we know there is an opportunity to deliver much more.

“With an SPD now in place, we have a framework to guide our own plans for growth. Working with all our partners, we will develop detailed proposals and build on the momentum behind this once-in-a-generation opportunity.”