University Of Western Australia Partners To Link Students With Perth Families


The University of Western Australia has partnered with a hosted accommodation organisation to offer new and returning students the opportunity to live with a local family amid tight availability of housing.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education Professor David Sadler said the partnership with MyStay International (Australian Homestay Network) would link students with families and other local residents who were interested in being hosts.

“For people who have a spare room, including ‘empty nesters’ it can be a rewarding experience,” Professor Sadler said.

The hosted accommodation scheme had the benefit of giving students a ‘soft landing’ after they arrived in Perth from regional areas, interstate or overseas and created positive links within the community.

“Many host families still keep in touch with their guests years later — it can be a great way of making real connections with people from other countries and other parts of Australia,” he said.

A shortage of housing, which is a nationwide problem, prompted the new program to help make the start of the academic year less stressful for students.

Professor Sadler said homes in suburbs near UWA, or with good public transport links, were ideal and he hoped the University’s former students got on board to host students.

Various arrangements covered the provision of two or three meals a day for the hosted student, with returns around $300 per week, tax free.

“We would love the University’s alumni to get involved and help current students,” Professor Sadler said.

Australian Homestay Network will manage the placements and link the students and hosts.