University of Sheffield ranked in top 50 most international universities in the world

New Delhi: The University of Sheffield has today (Wednesday 20 March 2019) been named one of the ‘most international’ universities by The Times Higher Education.

The list celebrates universities with an outstanding international reputation, in turn helping to attract the very highest calibre of staff and students. The University of Sheffield has been ranked 42nd out of 1,200 leading universities worldwide for the second year running.

Compiled using an institution’s international student score, international staff score, international co-authorship score and international reputation metrics, the highly-regarded top 50 also includes Oxford, Cambridge and leading universities in the US and Asia.

The University of Sheffield has worked hard over recent years to forge strong overseas partnerships with the world’s top universities and industry, leading to opportunities for staff and student exchange, research links and inward investment in the local economy.

The rankings demonstrate the University of Sheffield’s high proportion of international students and staff, its work to collaborate on research with scholars from across the world and its strong global reputation to match. These factors are included in the metrics that allow Times Higher Education to produce the most comprehensive global university rankings in the world.

President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sheffield, Professor Koen Lamberts said: “I am delighted that the University of Sheffield has been recognised by Times Higher Education as a truly international University with a global outlook.

“It’s a real source of pride that we have over 140 nationalities represented here on campus and that our city has always made clear that staff and students from around the world are welcome. Our international students and staff play an important role in expanding the University’s vibrant and dynamic cultural environment, as well as make a huge contribution to academic life, knowledge and our economic growth as a nation.”

The University of Sheffield has already received significant recognition for its award-winning #WeAreInternational campaign, designed to show the value of international students across the UK, both from an economic, cultural and skills perspective.

The campaign is now supported by more than 100 UK universities and colleges, the British Council and the Home Office and has involved a number of key events. These have included the commissioning of a first-of-its-kind report to highlight the huge net worth of international students, a unique selfie campaign, and two parliamentary events for the launch of videos to help talented students from across the globe better understand how to apply to study at the UK’s leading universities.

Sheffield is also engaged in numerous research projects with international impact in addition to research partnerships with leading universities around the world, such as Zhejiang University, University of Amsterdam and the University of Western Australia.

The University also hosts an International Faculty, CITY College, based in Greece’s second largest city, Thessaloniki, which offers undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD level qualifications to students across the Mediterranean area and Balkans.