UNLEASH Plus, a 6-month incubation and mentoring program, funds 3 global start-ups with $60,000 to scale SDG-focused solutions


Mysuru: UNLEASH Plus 2022 wrapped up with the Dragons’ Den event today at Infosys Mysuru, which saw 11 UNLEASH Plus teams make final pitches on their solutions to a panel of judges. This year, the teams that made it to the very end of the program focused on a wide range of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including solutions that solve SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production, SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG – 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, SDG 4 – Quality Education, SDG 13 – Climate Action, SDG 2 – Zero Hunger and SDG  6 – Clean Water and Sanitation. The event saw structured and well-delivered pitched from teams including Airee Felt from Mongolia, Arena Recycling from East and South Africa, Hope Behind Bars from Nigeria, Alokito Teachers from Bangladesh, Eutechtics from the United Kingdom, BeFly from Colombia, Ecotutu from Nigeria, Assista Limited from Malawi, Bare Craft Consulting from India and SOLVillion from Jordan.  

The UNLEASH Dragons’ Den event provides a platform for shortlisted teams to present their solutions before a jury of funders. This year the event featured 11 shortlisted teams, and the jury of funders included – Melissa Gasmi, Senior Vice President, Middle East & North Africa Chemonics International; Dr Rajeshwari S. Raina, Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, HCL; Shaji Mathew, Executive Vice President, Global Head of Delivery – BFSI, Healthcare & Lifesciences, Infosys; Vidya Basarkod, Managing Director, Ramboll India & Director, Ramboll Engineering Centre.  The 11 teams were selected on the basis of their performance during the Pitching Showcase, which was held on December 8th, wherein the participants pitched their solutions before a peer circle and jury on the basis of the themes of their innovations.


The winners of the Dragons’ Den competed for $60,000 in awards to bring their social ventures to the next step of their scaling journey. Ramboll and Infosys offered a grant of $10,000 in total to Bare Craft Consulting from India, Hope Behind Bars received a funding of $25,000 from HCL and SOLVillion received a funding of $25,000 from Chemonics International. 


About the winners

Bare Craft Consulting bridges the gap between rural craft communities and global craft businesses through supply chain innovation integrating UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Hope Behind Bars, JusticePadi promotes access to justice and criminal justice reforms by building a community of legally empowered citizens using tech and data.


SOLVillion focuses on providing an alternative solution for septic tank problems through Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems called DWWS.


The panel of judges at the Dragons’ Den event will provide mentorship for a year to the 11 teams that participated in the event today.