Update on Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA)

The Government of India has launched “Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan” (PMSMA) with an aim to provide fixed-day, free-of-cost, assured, comprehensive, and quality antenatal care on the 9th day of every month, universally to all pregnant women in their 2nd/ 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, at designated public health facilities by Obstetricians/Medical officers.

The year-wise number of pregnant women who received antenatal care under the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) during the last three years is attached in Annexure-1.

Tracking high-risk pregnancies (HRP) is crucial for the early identification of potential complications, enabling timely interventions and specialized care. This proactive approach significantly improves maternal and newborn health outcomes by preventing adverse events thus saving the lives of both mother and newborn.

Continuing with the efforts to ensure safe motherhood through PMSMA and with the vision for further improvement, an Extended PMSMA strategy was launched to ensure quality ANC to pregnant women, for individual tracking of high-risk pregnancy and provision of additional PMSMA sessions over and above 9th of every month.

The Government of India has expanded the list of high-risk pregnancy from 10 categories to 25 high-risk pregnancy categories to ensure early identification and timely management of complications to reduce morbidity & mortality and ensure institutional delivery by tagging with the nearest First Referral Unit (FRU). The list of the 25 High-Risk Pregnancy (HRP) categories is attached in Annexure-2.

  Annexure 1

Sr. No. Financial Year The total no. of pregnant women who received Antenatal care under PMSMA
1 2021-2022 4748258
2 2022-2023 7357311
3 2023-2024 9316278
4 1st April 2024 to 26th July 2024 3239555

Annexure 2

Sl. No. High Risk Pregnancy (HRP) categories
2 Syphilis
3 Severe anemia
4 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
5 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
6 Hypothyroidism
7 Tuberculosis
8 Malaria
9 Previous LSCS
10 Cephalo-pelvic Disproportion
11 Bad Obstetric History
12 Twins/Multiple pregnancy
13 Hepatitis B
14 Abnormal fetal heart rate
15 Teenage Pregnancy
16 High Fever
18 H/O Still Birth
19 Congenital Malformation
20 Negative Blood Group
21 Early Primi
22 Elderly Primi
23 Grand Multipara
24 Short Stature
25 Others specify