UPMC: UPMC Post-COVID Pulmonary Recovery Program Now Available in Central Pa.

UPMC in central Pa. has launched a dedicated program to support people who experience persistent respiratory issues after a COVID-19 infection. Approximately one-third of patients continue to have difficulties and persistent symptoms after a COVID-19 diagnosis.

Taj Rahman release“Following a COVID-19 infection, it’s not uncommon to suffer ongoing symptoms, such as shortness of breath, for weeks or even months,” said Taj Rahman, M.D., director of pulmonary medicine, UPMC Pinnacle. “While there is no cure for COVID, there are specific things we can do to help address symptoms, such as pulmonary rehab, to improve lung health and help with recovery.”

A multi-disciplinary group of doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and physical therapists have assembled the UPMC Post-COVID Pulmonary Recovery Program team to:

Better understand the long-term impact of the virus.
Diagnose and treat those with persistent respiratory symptoms for more than two to three months after a COVID-19 infection.
Provide COVID-19 recovery support.

Eligible patients include anyone who is still experiencing shortness of breath after two to three months or more since their COVID recovery.

The consultation process begins by meeting with a UPMC Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine pulmonologist who may recommend additional testing or refer the patient for pulmonary rehabilitation to improve lung function.

UPMC Pulmonary Rehabilitation, offered at 2808 Old Post Road, in Harrisburg, is a medically supervised program that includes exercise training and health education that aims to manage breathing concerns, increase stamina and improve quality of life.