Ural Federal University Archive Receives Equipment


The Ural Federal University will be able to receive documents on a regular basis in the next 15-20 years. The new archive, which is equipped with fire-extinguishing and moisture control systems, has opened after the renovation.

The premises with an area of 864 square meters at 77 Bolshakov Street were opened by Victor Koksharov, the rector of the university. Together with Pavel Mezentsev, Vice-Rector for General Affairs, Galina Kvashnina, Deputy Director for Educational Activities, and Natalia Goncharova, Head of Division of Documentation Management and General Affairs, he examined the archive.

It has recently completed a major renovation: in addition to electrical lighting and water supply, a ventilation system and automatic gas fire suppression, ventilation system equipment and air conditioners were installed.

“The pride of the new archive is the fire extinguishing system, which uses freon that is harmless to people and paper. In order to maintain the heat and humidity parameters necessary for the warehouse all year round, the archive is equipped with supply and exhaust units with electric air heating as well as a steam generator,” the specialists report.

The new site now has 20,000 personal files of students who graduated from the university in 2018-2020. Over time, the technical documentation of the academic buildings and dormitories, as well as the Ural Federal University fund from 2010, will be brought here.