Ural federal university: best sociologists, politologists, and philosophers came as a driving force for establishsing the editorial board of Koinon journal

A new scientific journal on philosophical and socio-humanitarian sciences Koinon has appeared at the Ural Federal University. It is planned that it will publish materials written in Russian, English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. The first issue of Koinon is dedicated to modernity.

“Choosing human consistency, or sociality in all its manifestations and scales as the central theme and general subject-semantic horizon of the new journal, we proceeded not only from the fundamental place and role of the latter in the life of human communities, the entire human race and each person, which we reflected even Aristotle in the formula-definition of ‘zoon politikon’. But also, accordingly, from the central, fundamentally conceptual meaning of compatibility for all socio-humanitarian sciences or, according to Rickert, the “cultural sciences”, ”the editorial board explains.

Koinon (ancient Greek: ‘joint’, ‘collective’, ‘compatible’) journal is devoted to fundamental and applied research in philosophy, sociology, political science. The central theme is the compatibility (sociality, collectivity) of existence, historical deeds, consciousness, creativity and culture of people.

“The first issue provides an insight from our famous scientists on the problem of compatibility and what role it plays in the modern world and science. Among the headings of the first double issue “Compatibility as a philosophical and scientific problem: aspects and positions”, “Retromania as a paradigm of the world relations of our days”, “Culture-centrism in modern scientific and artistic consciousness”, “In the focus of empirical sociology”, “Compatibility as a problem internal politics of the countries of the world “”, – the editorial office members say.

The editorial board includes employees of the departments of philosophy, sociology and political science and international relations of the Ural Humanitarian Institute, UrFU. Among the authors of the first issue are well-known scientists, professors of universities in Russia, USA, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Israel, Serbia, Poland.