Ural Federal University Celebrates The Shrovetide Festivities


The second day of Shrovetide week was celebrated at Ural Federal University with songs, dances and traditional games. International students led a big Shrovetide round dance, played such games as “Rastyaapa” and “Anyuta, I’m here”. Also, the guests were treated to pancakes with various fillings.

The students learned about the history of Shrovetide. It is a day of farewell to winter and welcoming the long-awaited spring. Each day of Shrovetide has its own name and traditions. Traditions according to legends should be followed for the spring to come sooner. Thus, the foreign students performed the Shrovetide carols in Russian.

“One of the goals of international students at UrFU is to learn the Russian language and explore the culture. Today we decided to show a small part of the festival, which is celebrated all over Russia for a whole week. The dates change every year. This year the Pancake Day takes place from February, 20th to 26th. We believe that the more cheerfully and actively we celebrate this week, the faster the sun will come out and spring will arrive”, – says Yana Vysotskaya, the Head of International Educational Programs Department.

The artistic group “Marusya International” entertained the guests with funny dances. During the festival for the guests worked a photo area with the Shrovetide symbols. Everyone could join the creative workshop and make the sun, which is one of the symbols of the festival.