Ural Federal University Enters As A Finalist of the “Project Olympus” Contest


UrFU is among the finalists of the “Project Olympus” federal contest. The university was awarded honorary diplomas in two nominations – “Competent Project Office” and “Project Management Systems in State Corporations, Companies with State Participation, Commercial and Public Organizations, and Development Institutions”. The contest is held by the Expert Center under the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation.

“It confirms the maturity of our university management system as part of the “Priority 2030″ program. The experts have noted our expertise,” says Anna Zorina, Deputy Head of the Strategic Development and Marketing Department of UrFU. – Large enterprises, corporations, project offices of the Russian regions participated in the contest. Being one of the finalists is a serious achievement. We are the only university in Russia that took part in such a highly competitive contest, which proves our competences in the field of project management”.

The award ceremony for winners and finalists of the contest traditionally took place at the conference “The Practice of Project Management”, which was held at the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation.