Ural Federal University Hosts Second Internship Fair

The Ural Federal University once again hosted an internship fair. Students from seven UrFU institutes took part in it, and the university Accelerator acted as an employer.

“The internship fair included a presentation of the students’ value proposition for the startup teams of the UrFU Accelerator and a startup studio, and express interviews were held. The fair is, first of all, practical cases. The event was attended by students who have already passed the Innovation Diving school, who generate ideas and have an idea of innovative projects,” said Elena Bespamyatnykh, Director of the Center for Educational Technologies and Staffing Support for Innovation Activity of UrFU.

What is unique of the internship fair is the provided opportunity for students to join teams of existing startup projects.

“If we evaluate the offers that were made to students by project leaders, it is an opportunity for the guys to make a quick career, or even to become founders of startups in the future. There was an obvious high demand from startup teams for IT specialists and market analysts,” said Elena Bespamyatnykh.

In turn, the teams of innovative projects that take part in the UrFU Accelerator have learned how to put forward requirements for personnel and formulate their proposals on the labor market: some of them were seriously looking for full-fledged team members, while others were ready to try to attract young people and see where this experiment would lead. We should not forget that not only projects, but also project teams bear risks.

Potential employers are planning to create business profile videos inviting students to join their “dream team”.

We would like to remind you that the internship fair for students was held for the first time as part of the work of the project “Entrepreneurial Boiling Point”. It was held at the request of small and medium-sized businesses. The next fair will be held in the spring, after “Innovation diving”, which will help the guys to write a CV, be ready for an interview and work with practical cases.