Ural Federal University, Indian Young Scientists Study On Man Of Information Age

Ural Federal University and Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM) in India plan an academic exchange of young researchers. The focus of the joint research of Master’s students of the program “Organization and Management in Social Work” is the man of the information age (Homo Informaticus) in different cultures, technological and natural environments.

“The realization of joint scientific research, exchange lectures and internships became possible thanks to a grant from the Indian scientific foundation SPARC. At the same time, we have another grant for the creation of the course – the Potanin Foundation (Russia), that will contrudite to the research,”- says the co-director of the project from the Russian side Eduard Patrakov, head of the laboratory of UrFU Department of Innovation and Intellectual Property o, head of the Master’s degree program “Organization and Management in Social Work”.

As a result of the two-year project, scientists from UrFU and GITAM plan to publish joint monographs and create an online course “Homo Informaticus: Growing Up, Risks, Safety”. On the Indian side, Professor Nalini Bikkina, director of School of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Dr. Ravi Shanker of the Department of Applied Psychology participate in the project. The Russian and Indian researchers are expected to develop diagnostic techniques and generate indicators of the best conditions for collaborative professional and learning activities in digital environments. The results of the research will be applicable and useful for international communications, distance education, and digital marketing.