Ural Federal University: Integrating IT Courses into Students’ Educational Pathways for Future Success

The courses of the Digital Chair project are part of each student’s educational trajectory. Students can acquire additional IT skills in the development of artificial intelligence, 3D modeling, and programming in Python, 1C, C++, and JavaScript.

“Within the framework of individual educational trajectories, students can choose their disciplines based on the level of complexity, interest, and technology of implementation”, notes Sergey Kulpin, director of the Digital Chair Training Center at UrFU.

In particular, the courses of the Digital Chair are now available to students of the Graduate School of Economics and Management within the framework of individual educational trajectories. The trajectories are used here to implement a dynamic model of competence formation under conditions of labor market uncertainty. Students of other institutes choose IT courses from the list provided by the departments. At the moment there are six educational programs of the Digital Chair, which students can complete to obtain a diploma of additional education in the field of IT.