Ural Federal University Introduces 33 Digital Chair Programs for 2024 Enrollment

The Digital Chair project has developed over 30 educational programs for UrFU students in engineering and humanities. These programs have been integrated into the curricula, making it easier for students to obtain additional qualifications alongside their basic diploma. Upon graduation, students will receive the corresponding document. Sergey Kulpin, Director of the Digital Chair Training Center, announced this on April 2 during a marathon dedicated to the project.

“Now more than 3,800 students from 156 educational programs are studying in the project. Our task is to provide additional qualifications for engineers and to demonstrate how IT can assist in the humanities”, explained Sergey Kulpin.

The project is supported by over 80 IT companies and industrial partners, who provide content and internship opportunities. The programs developed in the project meet the region’s needs for urban development, housing, utilities, manufacturing, and energy industries.

“Teaching ‘digital’ is one task. Another is optimizing the educational process of the project. We have developed a platform for enrolling in additional education programs and switched to electronic document management”, the training center adds.