Ural Federal University Participate In Shooting A Documentary About Byzantium
In February 2023, the movie “Byzantium. Life after death”. One of the leading experts on the history of the Byzantine Empire were employees of the Department of Ancient World and Middle Ages of the Ural Federal University (Head of the Department Tatiana Kushch, Professor Anton Mokhov, Associate Professor Natalia Zhigalova) and Karina Kapsalykova, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies.
The film focuses on the history of Byzantium and the emergence of Christianity in Russia, which in many ways became the heir of this empire. The film describes in detail the influence of Byzantium on our country, how the state was seen in the eyes of the Russian people, what is the continuity and connection between these states. Special attention is paid to the period of iconoclasm, the schism between the Church and Byzantium in the 15th century, and the contribution of such figures as Constantine the Great and Julian the Apostate to the history of the Byzantine Empire.
This series is structured around the most important stages in the development of both the ecclesiastical and state history of Byzantium. The films are divided into cycles devoted to the four greatest trials that Byzantium went through on its way to its crown of thorns. Each series consists of five or six episodes.