Ural Federal University: Seven University Applications Secure Grants from the Russian Science Foundation

Seven research projects of the Ural Federal University won the competition of the Russian Science Foundation. Scientific groups will receive support for basic research. Four grants will go to the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, two to the Ural Institute of Humanities, and one to the Graduate School of Economics and Management. A total of 61 applications were submitted by the UrFU this year. By comparison, 60 applications were submitted last year (nine projects were supported), 45 applications were submitted in 2022 (six projects were supported), and 58 applications were submitted in 2021 (six projects were supported).

Projects include mathematical modeling of living systems and aerobic culture in bubble flow environments, phase field kinetics and interphase boundaries in aluminum-copper alloys, and domain structure of segmentoelectrics. They also study aspects of corporate social responsibility, social stratification in Ekaterinburg in 1723-1781, and health outcomes in children with perinatal arterial ischemic stroke.

“Our project aims to research the social landscape of early Ekaterinburg. This will be done in the context of the formation of a fortress factory and its transformation into one of the largest control centers of the metallurgical industry in Russia. The project aims to identify and study social groups within the population. It will determine the criteria for attributing individuals to different socio-professional groups and study the specifics of their formation and development. This will be done in the context of a rapidly growing industrial and administrative center”, says Dmitry Redin, the project leader and Head of the Laboratory of Primary Sources Research at UrFU.

The full list of winners (515 projects) is published on the Russian Science Foundation’s website.