Ural Federal University Student Team Travel To Kaliningrad

UrFU students with disabilities and students from the People’s Republic of China travelled to Kaliningrad on July 16 and will stay there until July 20. The inclusive team will visit the wheelchair factory “Observer”, inclusive beaches, adapted educational and tourist routes. Kaliningrad is the most advanced city in Russia in terms of infrastructural adaptation for wheelchair users with disabilities, thanks to the activities of the regional public organization of people with limited mobility “Kovcheg”.

“I am very happy that the idea of inclusive interaction between students from China and students with limited mobility was supported,” says the project leader, third-year UrFU student Rinat Muginov. – We are now traveling with the boys around Kaliningrad and its surroundings. Students from China are helping students with limited mobility in wheelchairs. Everyone’s eyes are burning with excitement. Every evening, after a very busy day, we get together and share our impressions. We decided to make a video about our trip.”

In April-June, the project team of the “Days of Inclusion of UrFU” together with the Academic Development Department, Center for Inclusive Education, Multifunctional Resource Center for Educational Activities held inclusive and socio-cultural events according to specially designed scenarios of inclusive interaction for successful socialization and adaptation of students with disabilities and students from China. The students participated in conflict resolution training, management wrestling tournament, workshops and seminars, business game “Extrability”.

We would like to add that the trip to Kaliningrad is a part of the project “Days of Inclusion of UrFU”, which is realized with the grant support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh).