Ural Federal University Student Wins Gold at Russian Swimming Cup Finals

UrFU student Savely Luzin successfully competed in the finals of the Russian Swimming Cup in Ekaterinburg. He took the first place in the 400 meters freestyle. Before the final, Savelyi trained at the Aquatics Palace on the UrFU campus.

“I wanted to show the best result. I think I managed to do it at this stage of preparation. But I have swum only half of the competition, there are the 800 and 1500 meter races ahead of me. I hope to perform well there too. Of course, it’s nice to perform at home. I study at UrFU, I train at the Aquatics Palace – we have excellent conditions,” said Savely.

The Sverdlovsk swimmer was 0.07 seconds ahead of Roman Akimov from Moscow Region. The bronze medal went to Daniil Shatalov from Moscow. Savely Luzin’s gold medal is the region’s first medal at a home tournament.

We would like to remind you that UrFU students can use sports infrastructure facilities on the university campus. In addition to the Aquatics Palace, students have access to volleyball, streetball and basketball courts, a gym and courts for wrestling.