Ural federal university: Students Learned Arabic Calligraphy

On April 28, a master class in Arabic calligraphy was held at the Library Center “Ekaterinburg”. The event was organized by the Ural Young Middle East Researchers Association with the support of the Department of Oriental Studies of the Ural Federal University Department of International Relations. Arabic language teacher, Dr. Habib Makhlouf was an expert calligrapher.

The participants learned about traditional scripts and tried to write various letter combinations. At the end of the event, everyone was able to write their names in beautiful calligraphic script.

“The Arabic calligraphy master class was one of the first major events we held this year in the format of live participation. We hope that in the nearest future we will hold such meetings and they will become traditional for our Association”, noted Leonid Tsukanov, Director of the Association.