Ural Federal University Students Receive Scholarships from the Potanin Foundation


23 Master’s students at Ural Federal University won the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation scholarship contest and one student was on the reserve list. The largest number of scholarship holders this year is at the Ural Institute of Humanities and the Engineering School of Information Technologies, Telecommunications and Control Systems (five scholarship holders at each institute). The second place belongs to the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Institute of Physics and Technology (three scholarship holders in each). The Institute of New Materials and Technologies and the Institute of Chemical Engineering has two scholarship holders. And one in each – in the Ural Power Engineering Institute, the Graduate School of Economics and Management and the Institute of Fundamental Education.

This academic year, 6,410 people showed interest in the contest, but only 2,000 Master’s students took part at the second stage.

“Today, 750 graduate students have joined the Foundation community. They represent 71 universities, which reflects the wide geography of the competition and belong to different age groups: the youngest winner is 21 years old and the most mature one is 58 years old. Many scholarship holders combine successfully their studies with their social activities: they work with vulnerable groups, help animals, develop and popularize sports and museum volunteering. It is important to note that the Foundation’s support is not only an opportunity to conduct research and implement social projects, but also a way to improve the quality of life, especially for scholarship holders with disabilities. We hope that the winners will be able to use all the tools provided by the Foundation for personal growth and professional development,” said Oksana Oracheva, CEO of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation.

The winners of the scholarship contest will receive a monthly scholarship from the charitable foundation for 25 thousand rubles, starting from February 2023 until the end of their studies.

“I am working on a technology to use artificial intelligence to analyze voice signals. It will be trained for each user and for special speech characteristics. I am planning to study the synthesis of information of the original message,” said Boris Bredikhin, one of the scholarship winners, a Master’s student at Ural Federal University.