Ural Federal University: TASS Presented the University with a Rare Teletype

On December 14, the Ural Regional Information Center TASS presented UrFU with a rarity teletype device on which the agency’s employees used to work. The machine was auctioned as a lot at the Catherine’s Assembly charity event, and was purchased by Dmitry Ryabov, the manager of Uralpromstroy LLC.

A teletype is an electromechanical typewriter for transmitting text messages. The network is still used by some countries in areas such as shipping, interbank settlements, ground-based aviation communications, etc. Until the early 1970s, the teletype was used to exchange messages on the so-called hotline linking the U.S. president and the Soviet leadership.

“Today’s Faculty of Journalism has about a thousand students, and this exhibit will be a gem in the university’s museum collection. It is important for students to see how it all began, what were the prototypes of modern gadgets, it will be very interesting from an educational point of view,” said Aleksey Fayustov, Ural Federal University Vice-Rector for Informational Policy, noting that the teletype will be installed in the museum and exhibition complex of the university.

The teletype was handed over by Maria Kartuz, director of TASS-Ural, who thanked all participants for “the opportunity to do good deeds”.