Ural Federal University’s Kazakhstan Endowment Fund Set to Reach 7 Million Rubles by Year-End

As part of the visit of the Ural Federal University delegation to Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan), an anniversary meeting of the Kazakhstan Alumni Association of UPI, UrSU and UrFU took place, during which alumni and staff celebrated 10 years of successful work and partnership between Kazakhstan and Russia in educational and scientific spheres.

Maksudbek Rakhanov, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Kazakhstan Endowment, on behalf of the Board of the Association made a report on the plans of activities for the coming years, including sharing plans for further replenishment of the Kazakhstan Endowment. Today the fund is about 6 million rubles, and by the end of 2024 it is planned to increase to 7 million rubles. The resources of the endowment are used to support students and young scientists from Kazakhstan studying at UrFU in the form of grants and scholarships. In recent years, more than 3 million rubles have already been paid out in the form of financial aid to Bachelor’s, Master’s and postgraduate students.

During the event, the President of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the Kazakhstan Alumni Association of UPI, UrSU and UrFU, Honorary Doctor of UrFU Nurtay Abykayev and Rector of UrFU Viؤtor Koksharov signed a plan of joint work for 2025-2026. This document will open new horizons for further scientific cooperation between universities and the Academy, which will strengthen the already existing friendly and professional ties.

In turn, Leyla Kozhakova, Executive Director of the Kazakhstan Alumni Association of UPI, UrSU and UrFU, made a report on the activities of the association over the past 10 years.

The event was attended by Alexander Ponomaryov, Executive Director of the Alumni Association of UPI, UrSU and UrFU, Sergey Tushin, Vice Rector for International Relations, Pavel Reznik, Deputy Vice Rector for Educational Technology Development, Pavel Smirnov, Advisor to the Vice Rector for International Relations, Oleg Sheshukov, Director of the Institute of New Materials and Technologies, Sergey Kokin, Deputy Director of the Ural Energy Institute for Science and Innovation, as well as members of the Association’s Board of Directors and other honored guests. Speaking to the audience, the rector noted the important role of the association in strengthening international ties and emphasized the significance of the contribution of Kazakhstani graduates to the development of science, education and culture both in Kazakhstan and Russia.

The jubilee meeting ended with an exchange of gifts and warm congratulations. The Rector of UrFU presented Nurtay Abykayev with a Nizhny Tagil tray of author’s work, which depicts a snow leopard, the state symbol of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, Nurtay Abykayev and Maksudbek Rakhanov were awarded certificates of merit “For significant contribution to the development of cooperation between organizations and universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ural Federal University, promotion of UrFU in the international environment, as well as for strengthening ties between UrFU and its alumni”. Letters of appreciation and sets of souvenirs with UrFU symbols were also presented to the most active members of the Kazakhstan Alumni Association.

Recall, as part of the expansion of the association’s activities on September 22, 2024 was established a branch of the Kazakhstan Alumni Association in the city of Kostanai. This event is aimed at further strengthening and expanding ties between Kazakhstani alumni and the university. The opening of the branch will allow to attract new participants and strengthen the interaction between the regions of Kazakhstan and UrFU.

“The activity of the Kazakhstan Alumni Association allows strengthening the university’s ties with enterprises, educational and scientific organizations of this beautiful country. Such work makes an important contribution to the development of Russia and Kazakhstan. Specialists with Russian education are highly valued on the Kazakhstani labor market. UrFU trains highly qualified personnel who are in demand in various spheres, and our graduates have great opportunities for career growth. Cooperation with Kazakhstan also allows us to share our knowledge and experience, implement advanced developments of our scientists in the real sector of Kazakhstan’s economy,” said Alexander Ponomaryov.