Ural Federal University’s student wins “Engineering Olympus” Forum in Sochi


The “Engineering Olympus” educational forum, organized by Ural Federal University, the Olympiad “I am a Professional”, the Pipe Metallurgical Company, and TMK2U Corporate University, finished in Sochi. A busy week is behind the participants: almost 30 hours of lectures and nine hours of trainings, teambuilding, career counseling, games and competition program, video shooting, project defenses and excursions.

Ilya Trintz, a student of Ural Federal University, and participant in the “Software Engineering” program, became the first in the individual competition of the engineering forum. According to the results of the educational intensive, he got the highest score among 120 students of 53 universities of Russia.

“This forum has brought together people from different cities and different universities. Such events are necessary for students to unite and understand that we are all together. Also, before the forum, I didn’t completely understand why an engineer needs soft skills. The trainings helped me understand what points to pay attention to,” Ilya said.

The second and third places in the individual competition were taken by students Anastasia Tkachuk (UrFU) and Svetlana Orekhova (North Caucasus Federal University). The team competition prizes went to “Major” and “Crazy turtles”, and the winners were “The Fifth Element”. Also students were awarded for sport achievements and for the best case solutions from the Pipe Metallurgical Company. The result of the forum’s creative work was 11 video clips on the theme “Portrait of an Ideal Engineer”.

“The university has been successfully organizing educational forums for participants of the “I am a Professional” Student Olympiad for six years in a row. Such intensives receive high ratings from participants and experts as well. It would be impossible to organize a rich educational program, psychological trainings, contests and career marathons on the Black Sea coast without the support of the Pipe Metallurgical Company. We are grateful to our strategic partners for the location – the Burgas resort in Sochi and the industry leaders who are ready to provide students with the most valuable things – their time and experience. And the work of psychologists from TMK2U Corporate University helps to find an individual approach to each of the participants,” said Viсtor Koksharov, Rector of the Ural Federal University.