UrFU Earns First-Time Inclusion in World ESG Ranking for Universities

The Ural Federal University took the fourth place among 27 Russian universities, which practices in the field of sustainable development have been recognized by international experts: the QS Sustainability Rankings study was published. The university ranked 266th in Europe.

“The ranking is published for only the second time, but the number of participants has doubled, which shows the importance of the agenda for the universities of the world and the economy as a whole. QS experts emphasized competent resource management and our contribution to the implementation of affordable quality education, accumulation and dissemination of knowledge on sustainable development through scientific research, training of specialists for the real sector of the economy taking into account the current ESG agenda, as well as positive systemic socio-economic and environmental effects of academic activities in accordance with internationally accepted standards,” notes Viktor Koksharov, Rector of UrFU.

We would like to add that the sustainable development report has been published by the Institute of Economics and Management of UrFU since 2021, and the methodology of ESG-effects accounting developed within the framework of the Priority-2030 project will allow us to more accurately assess the contribution of Russian universities to the achievement of national sustainable development goals.