UrFU PhD Student from Afghanistan Wins Prestigious Grant for Study in Brazil

Baryalai Baryal, a first-year PhD student at the Graduate School of Economics and Management, won a prestigious supergrant to attend the Macroeconomic School in Brazil under the supervision of professor Zhanna Belyaeva. He was admitted to UrFU as a winner of the OpenDoors Olympiad 2023.

Baryalai participated in the São Paulo Advanced School on Technology & Innovation Strategies and Policies for Economic Development (SPAS) that took place from June 24 to July 5, 2024, at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). The school is a part of BRICS Network University, it provides an opportunity to learn about recent developments in the field of economics and science, technology, and innovation policy studies, and debate on these topics. It also purports to network participants with leading university faculty fellow post-doctoral researchers and PhD candidates from around the world.

“As part of the SPAS, the Institute of Economics will host the 5th UNICAMP International School on Development Challenges, the IV BRICS Network University International School, and the 3rd BRICS Postgraduate Forum. We received more than 500 applications for the Winter School, it is great that one of them is an UrFU PhD student,” said Bruno de Conti, professor at the University of Campinas and a leading representative of IG NU BRICS.

The program included a series of plenary lectures that covered topics such as evolutionary economic geography, the 21st-century science system, the role of universities, technology sovereignty, health and innovation, and green innovation. Roundtable discussions were focused on innovation and sustainability, as well as innovation and reindustrialization. Intensive courses covered two tracks: innovation policy and catching up in the Global South. Additionally, participants were engaged in various extracurricular activities such as technical visits and student presentations.

Baryal actively participated in daily classes and lectures, engaged in roundtable discussions, and presented on e-commerce with his group on June 28. He was also involved in Q&A sessions about various lectures, roundtables, and intensive courses.

“I am sure that the experience gained in cooperation with young scientists from BRICS+ countries will stimulate the development of Baryalai’s scientific research, which is devoted to the study of companies’ adaptation to the effects of the digitalization of the economy,” said Zhanna Belyaeva, Associate Professor at the Department of International Economics and Management.

Baryalai has gotten several fruitful outcomes from the program, including enhanced analytical capabilities and tools for evaluating innovation policies and strategies, as well as opportunities for networking and collaboration with participants from various countries and institutions.