UrFU Ranks Among Top Universities in Natural Sciences and Engineering

The Ural Federal University took 9th place among all Russian universities in the natural-mathematical and engineering-technical fields. The corresponding ratings were compiled for the second time by the RAEX agency with the support of the Andrey Melnichenko Foundation and the Russian Union of Rectors.

The lists included 78 universities representing all federal districts of the country. RAEX experts noted that the ratings measure the competitiveness of universities within two groups of specialties. The natural-mathematical field includes such areas as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and basic earth sciences. The engineering-technical field includes a wide range of engineering fields (energy, construction, computer science and engineering, aeronautics, robotics, light industry, etc.). The distribution of places was influenced by three factors: demand for graduates in the labor market, quality of education, and scientific results.

“It is no coincidence that the focus of our attention is on the natural-mathematical and engineering-technical fields. These areas are extremely important for the scientific and technological development of the country, as for several years now the industry has been experiencing a significant shortage of qualified young specialists. Against this background, the need to determine the competitive position of domestic universities is only increasing”, said Elena Chernyshkova, Executive Director of the Andrey Melnichenko Foundation.