USAID Announces Semi-Finalists for JET Green Minerals Challenge


Today, in advance of the second Summit for Democracy, the U.S. Agency for International Development announced the semi-finalists for the Powering a Just Energy Transition Green Minerals Challenge (JET Minerals Challenge) as part of the Agency’s work under the Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development.

In 2022, USAID, in partnership with Amazon, BHP Foundation, and Chandler Foundation, announced the JET Minerals Challenge to catalyze the development, application, and scaling of innovations to counter corruption and strengthen transparency, accountability, and integrity in the global rush to meet the unprecedented demand for green minerals. This open call for innovation welcomed problem solvers from around the world to submit new ideas as well as proven approaches to reduce corruption in green mineral supply chains.

USAID, with the help of industry experts, narrowed down nearly 60 concepts to 20 semi-finalists, representing significant geographic and sectoral diversity. These concepts spanned three technical areas: constraining opportunities for corruption, raising the costs of corruption, and incentivizing integrity in the public and private sectors.

More about each semi-finalist and their proposed innovation is available on our website.

The JET Minerals Challenge is part of the broader Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development announced at the first Summit for Democracy under the Presidential Initiative for Democratic Renewal. Since the first Summit for Democracy, the U.S. government has been engaging like-minded partners and seeking opportunities for collaboration.

JET Minerals Challenge semi-finalists will join an in-person two-day innovation bootcamp, hosted alongside the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains in April 2023. Follow their journey and receive updates on the successful finalists by visiting the CTC Grand Challenge website or joining our CTC Grand Challenge network by emailing us at [email protected].