USask Research Projects Gain Over $8.3 Million in NSERC Support

The NSERC Discovery Grants support long-term research goals, providing researchers with annual instalments over a five-year period. The following 41 USask researchers were awarded more than $8.3 million in funding from NSERC in 2024. This year, six USask researchers also received $12,500 from the NSERC Discovery Grant Early Career Researcher Supplement. 

Dr. Peter Pioli (PhD)
Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology – College of Medicine
Sex Differences in Thymus Antibody-Secreting Cell Production and the Impact on T Cell Development
Discovery Launch Supplement for Early Career Researchers recipient – $12,500  

Dr. Eric Price (PhD)
Chemistry – College of Arts and Science
Synthesis and physicochemical study of new chemical tools towards ideal radiometal-and peptide-base constructs

Dr. Susantha Gomis (PhD)
Veterinary Pathology – Western College of Veterinary Medicine
Immunomodulatory effects of oligodeoxynucleotides containing CpG motifs (CpG-ODN) on intrapulmonary vaccine delivery in neonatal broiler chickens

Dr. Ellen Wasan (PhD)
Pharmacy – College of Pharmacy and Nutrition 
Exploring soft material nanoparticles for engaging mucosal immunity

Dr. Kerry McPhedran (PhD)
Civil, Geological and Environmental Engineering – College of Engineering
Direct potable reuse of municipal wastewater and urban stormwater in Canada

Dr. Catherine Niu (PhD)
Chemical and Biological Engineering – College of Engineering
Biosorption and Adsorption for Effective Separation of Targeted Species from Multi-Component Systems

Dr. Douglas Chivers (PhD)
Biology – College of Arts and Science
Understanding multigenerational effects of risk and contaminants in aquatic systems

Dr. Hui Wang (PhD)
Chemical and Biological Engineering – College of Engineering
Catalytic Sites Contiguity Study for Carbon Dioxide Conversion Reactions

Dr. Kate Congreves (PhD)
Plant Sciences – College of Agriculture and Bioresources
Tightening the nitrogen cycle for sustainable soil management via diversification

Dr. John Tse (PhD)
Physics and Engineering Physics – College of Arts and Science
Structural Phase transitions under Extreme Conditions

Dr. Markus Hecker (PhD)
School of Environment and Sustainability
Translational Environmental Toxicology

Dr. Valerie Thompson (PhD)
Psychology – College of Arts and Science
Towards a Theory of Meta-Reasoning

Dr. Melissa Arcand (PhD)
Soil Science – College of Agriculture and Bioresources
Crop rhizosphere controls on nitrogen bioavailability and soil organic matter-intersections between microbial carbon and plant nitrogen use efficiencies

Dr. Qiang Liu (PhD)
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization
Viral Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) translation modulation

Dr. David Sumner (PhD)
Mechanical Engineering – College of Engineering
Fundamentals of Bluff-Body Wakes

Dr. Lynn Weber (PhD)
Veterinary Biomedical Sciences – Western College of Veterinary Medicine
Heart-microbiome-metabolism axis and influence of protein source in a dog model

Dr. Heather Szabo-Rogers (PhD)
Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology – College of Medicine
Genes, proteins and tissue interactions shaping the snout and beak

Dr. Alexey Shevyakov (PhD)
Mathematics and Statistics – College of Arts and Science
Exact and approximate symmetry methods with applications to nonlinear

Dr. Gordon Sarty (PhD)
Physics – College of Arts and Science
Design and Testing of Gradient Free Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Dr. Derek Peak (PhD) 
Soil Science – College of Agriculture and Bioresources
Shining Light on Soil Health

Dr. Mrigank Rochan (PhD)
Computer Science – College of Arts and Science
Towards Adaptive and Robust Visual Understanding
Discovery Launch Supplement for Early Career Researchers recipient – $12,500  

Dr. Steven Rayan (PhD)
Mathematics and Statistics – College of Arts and Science
Moduli Spaces and Quantum Matter

Dr. Jonathan Farthing (PhD)
Kinesiology – College of Kinesiology
Neural mechanisms of contralateral effects of unilateral motor training in humans

Dr. Jaswant Singh (DVM)
Veterinary Biomedical Sciences – Western College of Veterinary Medicine
Mechanisms Affecting Oocyte Competence in the Bovine Model during the Prepubertal Period

Dr. Andrew Ireson (PhD)
School of Environment and Sustainability 
Soil moisture futures in the Canadian Prairies

Dr. Akindele Odeshi (PhD)
Mechanical Engineering – College of Engineering
Development of hybrid and functionally graded materials using additive

Dr. Katherine Stewart (PhD)
Soil Science – College of Agriculture and Bioresources
Linking biocrusts, plants and belowground communities in a changing climate

Dr. Aneesh Thakur (DVM)
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization
Inducing respiratory mucosal immunity in cattle by design of next-generation thermostable ribonucleic acid vaccines
Discovery Launch Supplement for Early Career Researchers recipient – $12,500 

Dr. Li Chen (PhD)
Electrical and Computer Engineering – College of Engineering
Characterize and Mitigate Radiation Effects on Microelectronics

Dr. Haixia Zhang (PhD)
Food and Bioproduct Sciences – College of Agriculture and Bioresources
Developing Advanced Metabolomic Platforms to Unlock the Potential of Bioactive Compounds in Canadian Agrifoods
Discovery Launch Supplement for Early Career Researchers recipient – $12,500  

Dr. David Elwood (PhD)
Civil, Geological and Environmental Engineering – College of Engineering
Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential in Fine Sand Tailings using a Self-Bore Pressuremeter

Dr. Kerri Kobryn (PhD)
Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology – College of Medicine
Molecular studies of hairpin telomeres in bacteria

Dr. Lori Bradford (PhD)
Ron and Jane Graham School of Professional Development – College of Engineering
Operationalization of Social and Cultural Knowledge into Engineering Design and Impact Assessment Practices
Discovery Launch Supplement for Early Career Researchers recipient – $12,500  

Dr. Ann McKellar (PhD)
Biology – College of Arts and Science
Understanding drivers of migratory bird population change in human-dominated landscapes 

Dr. Yansun Yao (PhD)
Physics and Engineering Physics – College of Arts and Science
Machine learning informed material prediction and discovery

Dr. Chijin Xiao (PhD)
Physics and Engineering Physics – College of Arts and Science
Plasma Physics and Engineering for Fusion Research and Other Applications

Dr. Daniel Columbus (PhD)
Animal and Poultry Science – College of Agriculture and Bioresources
Investigating the impact of dietary nitrogen content on amino acid utilization in growing pigs

Dr. Yongfeng Ai (PhD)
Food and Bioproduct Sciences – College of Agriculture and Bioresources
Exploring and exploiting starch-plant protein interactions to improve food quality and nutrition

Dr. Michael Nickerson (PhD)
Food and Bioproduct Sciences – College of Agriculture and Bioresources
Tailoring of the interfacial behaviour of plant proteins for their structure controlling role in foods

Dr. Douglas Degenstein (PhD)
Physics and Engineering Physics – College of Arts and Sciences
Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere from Satellite Platforms

Dr. Mohammadreza Nematollahi (PhD)
Finance and Management Science -Edwards School of Business 
Reinforcing Food Security and Sustainability through Supply Chain Analytics
Discovery Launch Supplement for Early Career Researchers recipient – $12,500