Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar to visit Belagavi & Bengaluru in Karnataka on 27th May

The Vice-President, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar and Dr. Sudesh Dhankhar will visit Belagavi and Bengaluru in Karnataka on 27th May, 2024.

During his one-day tour, the Vice-President will arrive in Belagavi and be the Chief Guest at the Foundation Day of ICMR-National Institute of Traditional Medicine (NITM) and at the 14th Convocation of KLE University there.

Thereafter, Shri Dhankhar will visit CSIR-NAL Belur Campus and witness the Exhibition of LCA components & SARAS.

He’ll also lay the foundation stone for certain projects at the NAL. During his tour, VP is also scheduled to visit Raj Bhawan, Bengaluru.