Vigilance Awareness Week celebrated at JKEDI Pampore Campus



PULWAMA : Anti Corruption Bureau, South Kashmir in collaboration with Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI) today organized a seminar to sensitize employees about the perils of corruption at JKEDI Pampore, here.

The seminar is a part of the Vigilance Awareness Week-2022 being observed with the theme “Corruption free India for a developed nation”.

Ajaz Ahmad Bhat, Director JKEDI was the Chief Guest of the seminar. In his address, he pointed out that we should aspire for a society where every day is corruption free and we should rise up to eradicate the evil corrupt practices.

He stressed on the role of education in inculcating moral and ethical values of integrity. He further added that the Government has taken various initiatives to ensure transparency and accountability in the governing set up.

While praising the role of Anti Corruption Bureau, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat enumerated the role of JKEDI in dealing with the unemployed youth to create economic equality in the society which will in turn help in eradicating corruption.

Mohammad Shafiq, DySP, Anti Corruption Bureau, South Kashmir also spoke on the occasion and talked about the functioning of Anti Corruption Bureau and the process of lodging complaints. He further stressed on the need of reporting the corruption incidents and become whistleblowers through the online mobile app “Satark Nagrik “.

Senior Prosecuting Officer, ACB, Farooq Ahmad gave an overview of achievements made by the Anti Corruption Bureau and various laws in force to tackle the corruption practices. He also elaborated the roles and responsibilities of public servants while discharging official duties.

Later in the program, Director JKEDI, Officials from Anti Corruption Bureau and faculty members of JKEDI took an integrity pledge to eradicate corruption for building a better developed nation.

Dr. Mehraj Ud Din Bhat, Incharge Trainings; Dr. Sameer Jan, Faculty member, JKEDI and Inspectors of ACB Faisal Khan and Hilal Ahmad, and the officers of JKEDI among others were also present at the occasion.