Vision 2026 Faculty Innovators Launched At William & Mary


William & Mary faculty members who want to pursue projects related to the university’s Vision 2026 strategic plan now have an opportunity to receive additional support and rewards for those efforts.

The Office of the Provost has launched a new Vision 2026 Faculty Innovators initiative to encourage faculty-driven projects focused on the four cornerstone initiatives of the plan: water, data, democracy and careers.

“William & Mary’s faculty members are among the most brilliant and creative people on our campus,” said Provost Peggy Agouris. “For some time, they have asked for a clear pathway to bring forth their innovative ideas related to the four pillars in the Vision 2026 strategic plan. This initiative provides that path from idea to fruition, with crucial support and acknowledgement along the way. I and the other initiative chairs are excited to see what they propose.”

Faculty members whose projects are selected will engage in check-ins to advance their projects across five stages. At the end of each stage, faculty members are eligible for a number of rewards, including financial support and various levels of recognition from the president or provost. An awards dinner will honor those who progress through all five stages.

Proposals are due by March 17 and may be submitted on the provost’s website. Select projects will move on to the build-out stage, which will “test assumptions and initial data to foster confidence in the idea.”

The third stage will test the market desirability of the projects, and the fourth will focus on feasibility. The final stage will have faculty members prove the viability of their projects by building a business model that shows why W&M should invest in it further.

More information on each stage and the timeline are available on the provost’s website.

Launched last year, Vision 2026 focuses on the four initiatives along with three overarching goals for the university: expand W&M’s reach, educate for impact and evolve to excel. Each school and unit at W&M is also pursuing its own set of strategic actions in support of Vision 2026.