Visit of representatives of the Murmansk Arctic State University

The delegation includes MASU Rector Irina Mikhailovna Shadrina, Vice-Rector for Research Knyazeva Maria Aleksandrovna, Director of the Educational and Methodological Department Lyubov Sergeevna Lychkina, Head of the Project Office Anna Fedorovna Popova, Leading Researcher of the International Information and Analytical Center for Interdisciplinary Research on the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation Gogoberidze Georgy Givivich.
Representatives of the Murmansk Arctic State University visited the Artificial Intelligence Center, the Aquaculture Research Center, the RCNIT, the PetrSU Scientific Library, the PetrSU History Museum, the Humanitarian and Youth Innoparks, the Adaptive Physical Education Center.

The delegation from Murmansk got acquainted with the infrastructure of the university for three days.

I was here for the first time in 2009 to exchange experience in working with youth. Since then, the university has changed beyond recognition, new equipment, new parks, new centers. Everything is admirable. You have grown into a classic, multidisciplinary, scientific and educational center.

You have a high-level manager represented by the rector Anatoly Viktorovich Voronin, a very well-chosen, unique team that has been working with him for many years. We saw a close-knit, ultra-fashionable, professional team. It is a matter of respect and joy that next to us, the Murmansk region, in Karelia, there is such an educational institution that provides specialists not only to the Republic of Karelia, the Murmansk region, but the entire northern region. I wish you prosperity, further success, always move forward, and we will take an example,

– Shadrina Irina Mikhailovna, rector of the Murmansk Arctic Pedagogical University, shared her impressions.

Leading researcher at the International Information and Analytical Center for Interdisciplinary Research on the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation G.G. Gogoberidze noted:

It can be seen that Petrozavodsk State University is a system-forming educational institution of the region. It is felt as soon as you enter and get to know the university. This is my first time in PetrSU. Very impressed. We, residents of Murmansk, have something to be equal to, something to strive for. But at the same time, those moments are visible where we could closely cooperate, be not in the role of catch-up, but in the role of equal partners. There are already many directions for such mutual partnership relations. This, in my opinion, is very good, since PetrSU will be interested in working in the northern regions, and MASU will be interested in cooperating with such a large university.