VIT-AP in collaboration with Wadhwani Foundation organises IGNITE Faculty Orientation Program


Amaravati: In a bid to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and empower faculty members with the knowledge and skills to nurture future entrepreneurs, VIT AP School of Business and Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship Cell (IIEC) in collaboration with Wadhwani Foundation conducted IGNITE Faculty Orientation Program on Entrepreneurship Development. Dr.S.S.Shanthakumari, Dean-VSB welcomed the gathering and emphasised on the need of organising the Faculty orientation Programme on Entrepreneurship.

Faculty Members had the opportunity to enhance their understanding of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, identify potential opportunities, and learn about the challenges and best practices associated with start-up ventures through case studies and customised LMS platform. The faculty who attended the program expressed their gratitude for the invaluable knowledge and practical insights they gained from the resource persons.

Speaking on the occasion Dr. S V Kota Reddy, Vice Chancellor of VIT-AP University in his Presidential address mentioned the importance of entrepreneurship in driving economic growth and creating employment opportunities. Further, he added that the program aligns with the institution’s vision of creating job creators and contributes to the larger goal of fostering innovation and socioeconomic development in the region.

VIT-AP University Registrar, Dr. Jagadish Chandra Mudiganti in his special address mentioned that VIT AP is committed to nurturing a generation of young minds who are not only academically proficient but also equipped with the skills and mindset to become successful entrepreneurs.

Dr.Ameet, Director-IIEC provided the insight on the starting of the journey with Wadhwani Foundation with a focus of bringing more entrepreneurial ventures in VIT – AP campus.

The intensive orientation program was designed to provide faculty members with insights into the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, the art of cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset, and effective methods to instil entrepreneurial values in students. The Program was conducted for three days from 25th July with support of two distinguished resource persons Dr.Sujatha R, Principal Educator, Wadhwani Foundation and Mr.Naved Ahmed, Region Head(South), Wadhwani Foundation, who shared their expertise and real-world experience to enrich the sessions. They emphasized the importance of entrepreneurship development. Their experience in guiding start-ups and fostering innovation added immense value to the orientation Program.

With the successful conclusion of the Faculty Orientation Program, VIT AP looks forward to witnessing the positive impact of this initiative on its students, inspiring them to take up the entrepreneurial mantle and contribute to the nation’s growth.