Vital Role Of School In Fundamental Environment In The Formation Of Interpersonal Relationships

Interpersonal relationships, as the name implies, relate to the bonds created between different people, whether friendship, love or family. School is, in most cases, the first place where people, especially children, relate to people other than their own family, which makes it a fundamental environment.

“The relationships that happen in the family and the relationships that happen at school can be similar in several aspects, but they can also be complementary in others. The family has its values, its way of thinking, its way of understanding, however, the child can be influenced by the discussions, questions and provocations that are made by the school. The school does not have the role of changing the family, of changing the family’s values, but it will be able to dialogue with this family whenever necessary to think about alternatives in relation to the child, in relation to the educational process”, says teacher Marilene Proença from the Department of Psychology of Learning, Development and Personality at the Institute of Psychology at USP.

school paper

According to data from the first stage of the 2022 School Census , more than 1 million children and adolescents aged between 4 and 17 are out of school. The situation is not only worrying from an educational point of view, but also from a psychological point of view, in terms of individual education. “We need to understand that the schooling space is composed both by the construction of knowledge and by the construction of sociability, interpersonal relationships, coexistence, facing the discrimination that exists in our society. These two major aspects are inseparable: knowledge and coexistence”, explains the teacher.

One of the examples of the impact of distancing from school interactions is the case of Distance Learning in the covid-19 pandemic: “Children who stayed at home for many months, especially young children, found it impossible to live with other children, to be in social spaces. This whole process needs to be resumed with a lot of tolerance, with a lot of patience, but also considering that children have this plasticity and that, certainly, they will be overcoming it in the best possible way. It’s a matter of time, it’s a matter of inserting proposals, activities, projects that will encourage coexistence and socialization. It is also a very important time for reflection on education in general, so that schools can be aware of this process and, at the same time,

The school is a place of great diversity, which is essential for understanding coexistence in society. However, the place is not free from the discrimination that occurs in the external environment: “The school is a very important space for the formation of interpersonal relationships, because it is there that we will have the great diversity of families, values, social classes, of the forms of life that will be there living together on a daily basis. We are not going to find homogeneous relationships in which people are all similar, on the contrary, we are going to find precisely this diversity. This diversity that the school has is, on the one hand, a fundamental gain and, on the other hand, a challenge for the educational process to include this discussion. Today, we know that most of the problems such as bullying, violence against the school, against children,

To prevent this violence from occurring, the teacher points out that integration between the school, family and population is necessary: ​​“All these aspects need to be encompassed within the educational process, in the school curricula, in the discussions that are made by the disciplines so that the school can deal with these themes in the broadest possible way. We will really need to identify the themes and build programs that will deal with this reality. It takes involvement from all grades of the school, teachers, families, the neighborhood“. She adds: “I consider it very important that the school is always building ways to present these projects in teaching, articulating with families. It is very important that families, from kindergarten to high school, can be co-authors of this work, can also be aware of how their children are learning”.