Wageningen University & Research Alumni Provides 7,000 Water Filters For Ukraine


Many people in Ukraine have barely had access to clean drinking water for months. The University Fund Wageningen therefore started a crowdfunding campaign in October to finance water filters for Ukrainians, an initiative of four WUR alumni. Thanks to more than 700 donors, the counter now stands at €163,221, with which more than 7000 filters have already been distributed. With these filters, we have helped 20,000 people gain access to clean drinking water! However, many more people in Ukraine still have no access to this. The initiators call again for donations, so that they can distribute another 3000 filters.

The people who received the water filters live mostly in the liberated areas in the Mykolaiv region, Kherson and Odessa, where the ongoing rocket attacks have destroyed much of the crucial infrastructure. The water filters are received there with great joy: “Thank you, thank you! This is exactly what we need right now. The people have been without water for a month. People need clean drinking water. Thank you and we ask that you please come back with more!” says Ljudmilla from Visokopilla City Council, Kherson region.

The filters are distributed by the wonderful people at SaveUA. Risking their lives, they travel to areas that are under constant fire to help the people there.

Sergei from SaveUA hands out filters in Novovorontsovo

The inside of a filter
Help is still very much needed!
We have urged the WUR community to contribute to this project before, with a fantastic result. However, many more people in Ukraine are without clean drinking water and the situation is still dire. They ask once again to support this action and thus raise the last €50,000. With this SaveUA can bring another 3000 filters to the people who need them very much.

A water filter costs about 20 euros, but with 5 euros you can already help 1 Ukrainian gain access to clean drinking water!