Warwick University Celebrates Professor’s Appointment as President of the Aristotelian Society

Professor Fabienne Peter, from the Department of Philosophy at The University of Warwick, delivered her inaugural address as the newly elected President of the prestigious Aristotelian Society on Monday, 30 September.

The Aristotelian Society, established in 1880, is one of the UK’s foremost philosophy societies, with a global reputation for advancing philosophical research and discourse. The President is nominated and elected by the Executive Committee and serves a one-year term, chairing the Committee and overseeing the Society’s academic activities and engagements.

As President, Professor Peter will be responsible for a range of duties, including chairing meetings, allocating grant funds, and identifying speakers for the Society’s annual lecture series and the Joint Session, the UK’s main annual philosophy conference. The Joint Session is organised collaboratively with the Mind Association, Warwick’s Professor Quassim Cassam serving as its President for 2024/25.

Professor Peter’s inaugural address explored the concept of “relational moral demands” in contemporary moral philosophy. “Much moral philosophy focuses on the moral status or the virtues of individuals. My talk tries to clarify the nature of moral demands that originate directly in our relationships with others,” she explained.

Reflecting on her appointment, Professor Peter said: “Being President of the Aristotelian Society is a great honour. That both the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association have Presidents from Warwick this academic year further highlights the prestige of our Philosophy Department. This role is an outstanding opportunity to support high-quality research in the UK and to enhance the visibility of Warwick’s work internationally.”

The appointment of two Presidents from the same institution in a single year is a rare distinction, demonstrating Warwick’s status as a centre of excellence for philosophical research.