Washington State University: SURCA gives 49 undergraduates research awards


Of the nearly 200 Washington State University students presenting at the Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA) 2023 event on March 27, 49 received a total of 43 awards totaling $9,200.

SURCA is the only WSU-wide venue for undergraduates from all majors, years in college, and all campus locations to share their mentored research, scholarship, and creative activities, and have judges evaluate their work based on their poster and oral presentation. At this year’s event, more than 130 faculty, post-doc, and community experts reviewed 159 posters and heard presentations from 190 students from WSU Pullman, Vancouver, Spokane, and Global Campus.

Numbers, energy up over 2022
“Student participation topped our expectations, with the number of presenters up more than 36% over last year, which was our first in-person SURCA since the COVID-19 pandemic struck,” said Jeremy Lessmann, director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, event host and part of the Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement in the provost’s office. “We were very pleased to give 30% more awards — and more than an additional $1,000 — to deserving researchers this year, as well.”

Sponsors of SURCA 2023 were Alturas Analytics, Robert H. (’77 Engineering and Honors) and Mary L. Rieck, and the WSU Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President.

“You could definitely feel excitement in the air, and presenters seemed to be having fun,” said Mary Sánchez Lanier, assistant vice provost. “They may have been shy when they entered the CUB senior ballroom, but as soon as they began talking to their judges, you could see they were thrilled to share information about their projects. It may have been our best SURCA yet since it began in 2012.”

2023 awardees
There are nine categories that presenters can choose for their SURCA presentation. There are four possible levels of awards that can be given in each category. Awards range from the top crimson award (there were 15 this year) to the second-highest gray award (19), and from novice (5) for those engaged in a project for two semesters or less to early career (4) for first-year and sophomore students. In addition to SURCA awards, additional awards may go to top presenters from the WSU LSAMP program, the Global Campus, or the WSU Emerit Society.

The awards were presented at a post-showcase ceremony led by WSU Provost and Executive Vice President and WSU Pullman Chancellor Elizabeth Chilton, interim Vice Provost for Academic Engagement and Student Achievement William B. Davis, Sánchez Lanier, and Lessmann.