Webinar on PM GATISHAKTI NMP with Central Training Institutes (CTIs) and State Administrative Training Institutes (ATIs)

Logistics Division, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry along with Capacity Building Commision (CBC) hosted a webinar yesterday with 27 Central Training Institutes (CTIs) and 34 State Administrative Training Institutes (ATIs) to find ways and means to institutionalize and regularise training and capacity building on PM GatiShakti approach for public servants being trained in all these institutes. In the webinar, along with elaborating the rationale and concept of PM GATI SHAKTI, innovative uses were also showcased.

The webinar included three sessions. Session I focussed on the unravelling of the PM GatiShakti approach through a demonstration of PM GatiShakti National Master Plan by BISAG-N. Session II showcased the practices adopted by Ministries for holistic infrastructure planning using PM GatiShakti, illustrating adoption of PM GATI SHAKTI by the Ministry of Railways. Session III highlighted the need for capacity building for Public servants on PM Gati Shakti principles, envisioning a ‘whole of government’ approach to Government functioning across sectors and ways and means to integrate PM GATI SHAKTI in Course curriculum of CTIs and ATIs.

More than 250 participants with senior most officers from 27 Central Training Institutes (CTIs), about 34 State Administrative Training Institutes (ATIs) across the length and breadth of the country along with BISAG-N, CBC and Network Planning Group Ministries participated in the webinar.

Secretary, DPIIT, Sh. Rajesh Kumar Singh highlighted the importance of PM GatiShakti National Master Plan embodying the vision of a ‘whole of government’ approach. He laid emphasis on crucial need for the administrators and Public Servants of today to understand the concept and uses of PM GATI SHAKTI approach in building world class infrastructure for the country and using it in Districts, especially Aspirational Districts for planning and the role CTIs and State ATIs could play in this endeavour.

Special Secretary (Logistics) DPIIT, Smt. Sumita Dawra highlighted the significant strides that India has made in economic growth over the last decade, in line with the vision of the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi of Vikasit Bharat by 2047 and role of PM GATI SHAKTI principles in achieving the vision.

Special Secretary (Logistics) DPIIT also elucidated the concept and use of PM GatiShakti, a GIS-enabled platform for comprehensive planning for multimodal logistics, leading to the effective implementation of Area Development Approach planning. She outlined some of the innovative use cases of PM GATI SHAKTI Approach along the benefits it has brought.

Detail Route Survey (DRS) done by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas used to take 6-9 months to prepare 46 reports. However, with the NMP through electronic Detailed Route Survey (eDRS), the reports are now created in a few hours, with a digital clip, making the process simpler and faster.

The Ministry of Railways has planned over 13,000 kms on NMP and has reported greater speed in completing Final Location Surveys (FLS). With the use of NMP, a total of 427 Final Location Survey (FLS) in FY ’22 were done by Railways, compared to 57 in FY ’21.

The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas planned alignments of 5 Pipelines under the North-East Gas Grid (NEGG) which resulted in reducing the overall length of 42 km, leading to a cost saving of INR 169 crores.

Planning of projects like Pune Bengaluru Expressway, Bhadrak-Vizianagaram (Kalingnagar) 3rd line rail project, Connectivity to New Terminal at Tuna-Tekra (Kandla) to ensure multimodal connectivity was also done on NMP.

States like Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra are planning Social Sector projects; in UP Planning for Intermediate & Senior Secondary schools in unserved habitations through UP Pahunch tool, Analysing Distance from Purchase Centers from Wheat Production Areas via Food & Civil Supply Gap Analysis tool, is being taken up, among others.

DG, BISAG-N, Sh. Vinay Thakur unfolded the technology behind the PM GatiShakti National Master Plan platform by focusing on its concept and database operations of this analytical tool, for holistic planning of infrastructure. He discussed how NMP was used to plan 4G mobile coverage in the uncovered settlements of Goalpara, Assam.

ED, Gati Shakti, Ministry of Railways, Sh. Kamlesh Gosai highlighted the success stories of the PM GatiShakti NMP platform in the sector of Railways. He highlighted the potential benefits of PM GatiShakti NMP platform through a use case of planning of pre-alignment process of Taranga Hill-Ambaji-Abu Road Broad Gauge New Railway Line which was completed in 7 days, which otherwise would have taken 6 months or so.

Chairman, Capacity Building Commission (CBC), Sh. Adil Zainulbhai and Member Administration, CBC, Sh. Praveen Pardeshi shared their views on the Training in Whole of Government Approach using PM GatiShakti and elucidated the importance & relevance of introducing PM GatiShakti Modules in the training curriculum of CTIs and ATIs and a way forward in this regard.