Workshop on IPR Awareness under KAPILA campaign organized at CIMP

Today a ‘Workshop on IPR Awareness’ was organized by Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna (CIMP) under Kalam Program for Intellectual Property Literacy and Awareness Campaign (KAPILA) at CIMP Auditorium. The event had been supported by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC), Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) and Indian Patent Office (IPO) under the banner of National IP Awareness Mission (NIPAM).
On this occasion, , Mr. Aditya Kashyap, Examiner of Patents & Design, Indian Patent Office (IPO) was present as speaker and shared the dais with CIMP’s Director, Prof. Dr. Rana Singh.Apart from CIMP students, faculties and staffs, startups and students from different nearby colleges also attended the event.
In his welcome speech, Prof. Dr. Rana Singh, Director CIMP, expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC) for choosing CIMP as the host institution forthe IPR Workshop. He also highlighted the need to be aware of IPR rights in contemporary times and how the workshop would benefit the institution as well as the participants in their future endeavors as innovators.
Mr. Kashyap while addressing the participants, discussed about the various facets of IPR, patents, trademarks, the process of filling for IPR, the need to file IPR as well as the measures to report for IPR violation. During the interactive session, participants enthusiastically participated and asked relevant questions. At the end of event, vote of thanks was offered by Prof. Rajeev Verma and he presented a memento to Mr. Aditya Kashyap. It was a free of cost event. Also certificates of participation will be issued by the Indian Patent Office (IPO) later.