Workshop on setting up micro food processing enterprises under CSS- PMFME scheme held at B’pora



BANDIPORA : The Department of Sheep Husbandry Bandipora today organized a daylong Awareness programme on centrally sponsored scheme “PM-Formalization of Micro food processing (PMFME) Scheme” at RSETI complex Bagh, here.

The workshop witnessed overwhelming participation of aspiring entrepreneurs interested in setting up micro food processing enterprises.

All the District Level Screening Committee (DLSC) members of the PMFME scheme were present in the event.

At the outset, the District Sheep Husbandry Officer, Dr. Showkat Hussain Ahangar presented the overall scenario and prospects of the micro food processing sector in the UT. He urged the youth to set up their own individual micro enterprises and avail the benefit of credit linked subsidy available under the scheme.

He requested the participants to register themselves for availing support under the scheme and visit the PM-FME portal home page for registration.

Dr. Showkat further said that interested youth who desire to avail the benefit under the scheme can contact the District resource person (DRP) for getting assistance in the application submission process, support in DPR preparation, getting a bank loan, etc.

The LDM Bandipora apprised the participants that the credit guarantee coverage for loans offered under this Scheme will be provided to the borrower under the Credit Guarantee Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises through the National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company under their usual terms and conditions.

The CHO, CAO & CAHO deliberated upon aims and objectives of the scheme which primarily focus on the competitiveness of existing individual micro-enterprises in the

unorganized segment of the food processing industry and promote formalization of the sector. They laid emphasis on milk, poultry, vegetable and fruit processing, and said that all the Departments work in synergy to improve, explore livelihood opportunities for the youth in the micro food processing sector.

Experts from KVK, HPMC and JKEDI laid stress on technical support, guidance capacity building , branding and marketing of the produce.They assured the interested youth every kind of support to start their ventures in the food processing sector.