World Diabetes Day: Daylong Public Health Welfare Camp to be held at GMC, Baramulla



BARAMULLA, NOVEMBER 12: On the eve of ‘World Diabetes Day’ to be celebrated on 14th November- 2022, the Department of Biochemistry in collaboration with Department of Medicine is going to organise a daylong Public Health Welfare Camp at Government Medical College, Baramulla, under the aegis of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).

The exclusive theme of the event will be ‘Education to Protect Tomorrow’ and the fundamental aim of organzing this camp is to reach-out to general public, particularly from the North Kashmir region as well as the population living in the vicinity of the GMC, Baramulla.

The important baseline diagnostic tests like CBC, Blood Sugar (R) and the HbA1C will be done free of cost on the said date.

Notably, there will be free doctor-patient counseling by expert doctors from the Department of Medicine. They will be particularly educating participants about how to diagnose diabetes at the earliest stage. Besides, important questions about how to treat and manage this disease in the long-run with a proper follow-up and monitoring will be addressed as a part of the counseling.