World Suicide Prevention Day observed at AMU


ALIGARH  : The University Film Club (UFC), working under the Cultural Education centre, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) organized a panel discussion and screening of a movie to create awareness about prevention of suicide in society, marking the ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’, in collaboration with the Psychological Society of the Department of Psychology.

Prof. Asma Parveen (Chairperson, Department of Psychology), Dr. Mohammed Reyazuddin (Department of Psychiatry, JNMC), Prof. Aysha Munira Rasheed (Department of English), and Dr. Sarah Javed (Department of Psychology) participated in the panel discussion held at the Kennedy Auditorium.

The panellists discussed various aspects of suicide and its prevention, and said that suicide is a critical public issue and efforts should be made at all levels to educate people, especially the youth, against developing suicidal tendencies. They stressed the need for maintaining social counselling and peer-based monitoring of youth undergoing any kind of mental and emotional stress.

Prof. Asma Parveen described the relationship between mental health and suicide, adding that social factors are often the prominent cause of committing the act. Dr. Reyazuddin emphasized the biological factors and discussed the medical aspect of suicide and development of warning signs in concerned person.

Dr. Sarah Javed discussed the stigma that largely revolves around suicide cases and prevents individuals from seeking help. Prof. Aysha Munira Rasheed spoke on the representation of suicide in literature and on the responsibility of filmmakers in handling sensitive subjects like suicide and self-harm.

The secretary of the club, Ahmad Mudassir presented mementos to the panellists. Club Member Sheeza Shoeb conducted the programme.

Later a film, “Chhichhore” by Nitesh Tiwari was screened, which accentuates the prevention of suicide and the importance of positive mental well-being.