Yashwaswi Pragya Foundation announced “Yashwaswi Book Award” to 10 books, awards to be confered during Kathmandu Kalinga Literary Festival

Kathmandu: Yashwaswi Pragya Foundation has decided to give “Yashwaswi Book Award” to 10 books published in the year 2079. This was announced by the Yashwaswi Pragya Foundation, Founder and Kathmandu Kalinga Literary Festival, Director, Ranjana Niraula.

“As per the recommendation of the Jury, among the books received by this Pragya Foundation, the successful book awards will be given to the 10 books mentioned in the details as per the recommendation of the jury. The award will be presented at Hotel Himalaya on the day of the Kathmandu Kalinga Literary Festival on Friday 15th of August,” said Ranjana Niraula.

According to the announcement, Bibek Ojha’s “Spasm” in 8 narratives of Nepali language, Dr. in non-narrative. Navraj KC’s “The value of zero”, Renuka Jisi’s “Saneness” in the story, Dr. in the poem. Mahendra Kumar Malla’s “Bhashako Bakpatra”, Gobind Giri Prerna’s “Ms. Parijat” in biography, Anuradha’s “Chhamchhamko Chhamchmi” in wall literature, Rima KC’s “Selected Poems of Amrita Pritam” in translation, Narayan Ghimire’s “Raithane Chadbad and Khanpan” in food and medicine.

Similarly, there are the English language memoirs “Himalayan Maverick” by Lakpa Dendi Sherpa and the poetry collection “Minutes of Merit” by Sushant Thapa. According to the announcement, these awards will be confered on the occasion of the Kalinga Literary Festival on the 15th of August.