Youth Advisory Group kicks off work on the UNESCO Regional Report on Knowledge for Youth-Led Climate Action in the Arab Region
On Wednesday 17 March 2021, the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab Region (Cairo) held the first meeting of the Youth Advisory Group (YAG) that will be closely involved in developing its regional report entitled Knowledge for Youth-Led Climate Action in the Arab Region. The report aims to analyse the knowledge dimension of youth climate action in the Arab region. Around 80 youth members attended this kick-off meeting, including climate actors nominated by the UNESCO National Commissions in the Arab countries, in addition to youth volunteers representing climate change-related regional and international bodies.
The meeting started with UNESCO-Cairo staff Jana El-Baba and Heba Shama providing a brief orientation about the rationale behind focusing on the trilogy of youth, knowledge, and climate action, as well as youth engagement as YAG members. This was followed by a presentation on the methodology, timeline, the role of the YAG members, and expected outcomes presented by UNESCO – Cairo youth engagement consultant Marwa AlKhairo.
The meeting gave space for a fruitful exchange with youth members to share their feedback and suggestions and answer their enquiries. Further meetings will be held soon to discuss the YAG’s specific terms of reference and activate YAG members’ role in the development of this report.