Zhejiang University conducts Spring 2023 Graduation and Degree Conferral Ceremony


On the afternoon of March 31, Zhejiang University held the Spring 2023 Graduation and Degree Conferral Ceremony for graduate students on Zijingang Campus. A cohort of 26 supervisors turned the tassel for about 2,000 graduates amid rapturous applause.

Prof. DU Jiangfeng, president of Zhejiang University, extended his heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the graduates on behalf of the university and delivered an address. “Zhejiang University has unswervingly given priority to students’ development throughout the whole process of education. It has moved forward in sync with the global trend, national strategies, national rejuvenation and civilization progress and has turned out a galaxy of academic elites, industrial leaders and governance talents. I am proud of your achievements and the choices you have made. I believe that you will embark on a more fulfilling and glorious journey with the motto of ‘seeking truth and pursuing innovation’!” said DU.

“In this era of competition, you will stand a better chance of achieving success. To build a strong nation, you should integrate individual interests into collective ones, explore ‘the unknown’ and acquire ‘true knowledge’ in the future, and translate thought into action in a practical manner. No matter what line of work you will pursue, you should keep a firm and clear mind, the ability to distinguish right from wrong, scientific rationality and humanistic solicitude. You should strive to make discoveries and creations in your position, and invest your wisdom and diligence where the motherland needs you most.”

Prof. TAO Chunhui, a 2005 doctorate recipient in tectonic geology at Zhejiang University and a researcher at the Second Institute of Oceanography of the Ministry of Natural Resources, shared with the graduates his arduous and formidable experience in discovering the world’s first ultra-slow and high-temperature black chimney in the southwestern Indian Ocean and the submarine hydrothermal zone in the three major oceans of the world. “The legacy of ‘seeking truth and pursuing innovation’ has been etched on our minds. With this, we are destined to make technological breakthroughs and become the engine of Chinese modernization,” said TAO.

Prof. ZHANG Dan, Qiushi Distinguished Professor at the School of Medicine, spoke on behalf of supervisors. “You should keep your passion for life to enrich the depth and width of life, your exploration of truth to expand the boundaries of the ‘cognition’ circle, your anticipation of change to embrace it and seek breakthroughs,” said ZHANG.

HUO Jiaxi, a graduate in electrical engineering, will work in China Academy of Space Technology. He spoke on behalf of the graduates. “At this very moment, his mind is teeming with his fond memories of Zhejiang University,” said HUO. “We’d like to express our sincere gratitude to our alma mater for providing us with a safe haven. We have the confidence and determination to cultivate loyalty and fortitude, take on great responsibilities, set trends and build a prosperous nation.”

The motto of ‘seeking truth and pursuing innovation’ is the cornerstone of the Zhejiang University community. Zhejiang University is not the ultimate destination but a starting point from which the graduates will open a new chapter of life with great enthusiasm.